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Seeking Coverage for you or your family?

Health Insurance for the workplace or your employees?

Are you eligible for Medicare or a Prescription Plan?

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Consumer Tips

10 Tips for Selecting Your Policy

The following points should be reviewed to make certain you select the best plan to fit your needs.

  1. What providers (hospitals, doctors, and pharmacies) are in-network?
  2. Will you have nationwide and worldwide access to in-network coverage?
  3. Is the network owned by the carrier or rented?
  4. What levels of coverage are provided for physical, occupational or speech therapy?
  5. Describe the process of adding children to your policy at birth regardless of health conditions.
  6. Will the deductible start over when making plan changes?
  7. How are transplants covered?
  8. What preventive and wellness benefits are included?
  9. How are prescription drugs covered?
  10. How does health reform affect me?

If you have purchased an insurance policy on your own, you probably remember being overwhelmed with plan choices and ultimately making your plan selection based on price. Unfortunately, you may have sacrificed the coverage you needed for a lower premium.

I am here to take the necessary time with you to assess the type of coverage you need, explain the plans available to you, and assist in selecting a plan with the perfect balance between the price you can afford and the benefits you deserve.

Let me help you – at NO additional cost – by evaluating your situation and creating an insurance plan that meets your needs and budget! Contact me by calling 843.442.3362 or e-mailing today!

DZG Health and Life Insurance is affiliated with the David M. Gilston Insurance Agency, Inc. We are here to support the health insurance needs of South Carolinians and we looking forward to serving you.

A David Gilston's agent site. 2024. All Rights Reserved